Gateway Meditation
Welcome to your free resource to learn more about and try meditation around your schedule. This page was created to help others have the resources and guidance they need to give meditation a try to see how it can benefit your whole life!
My name is Matt Alexander and for the past 6+ years, I have been practicing and sharing meditation with my close friends and family. After seeing how this simple daily task changed my life as well as my friend’s and families’ lives, I wanted to share this with the rest of my tribe.
My goal is to effectively connect people with the benefits of meditation in a bite-size, easy-to-digest format.
That is where 1st Start Meditation came from.
I desire to share this amazing free opportunity to focus your mind and change your perspective on life with my community so throughout the year we will come together for a, “Good Vibe Live Meditation Practice” with friends from all over the world to practice meditation and connect as a society.
That includes you reaching out to me at Matt@EnjoyTheJourney.Today with any suggestions or questions you may have to better this program.
Alright, now to the logistics.

Before we get started with our practice I want to get you set up with my beginner’s meditation starter kit. This kit will include everything you will need in order to give you the best environment to practice you meditation.
- Headphones: Doesn’t matter what kind, but headphones help get me in the zone by focusing the audio so that it is front and center during practice. The audio helps me focus on the practice and let the outside noises drown away.
- Insight Timer: Free meditation app that offers tons of free guided or timed meditation practices.
- Practice Location: For me this is in bed because I practice first thing every morning. But everyone is different and I suggest you find a quite, beautiful place possibly outside on your back patio or down at a nearby park. Once you find a good location or two I suggest you stick with those spots to stay consistent while training your mind.
- Practice Time: This one is also up to you when you choose to practice, but again I would promote picking a time and sticking with it to create consistency. I find it easiest for me to start first thing in the morning before anything else in the day wraps me up and I forget. Routinely starting every day with meditation not only puts my in a great mood for the rest of my day but it also teaches me to find gratitude in the mundane parts of life.
- Water and a soft mat or chair: Meditation can be done in any body configuration. There is no right or wrong way, only that your body is comfortable and in a relaxed state. I recommend sitting in a chair or just sit upright in your bed when you wake up. I focus on having a straight back with my posture set so to allow deep breaths into the chest.
- Willingness to stick with it! Meditation is not an overnight cure. You will not walk away from your first, or second or even possibly your 6th class without feeling a dramatic change. This may discourage you from continuing on, which would be a sad mistake. Consistency in your practice for 30+ days is necessary to begin the process of teaching your brain to slow down and be present. But if you stick to a consistent time of day and you practice daily for 30+ days I give you my word that you will see a positive effect in your daily life in addition to all the additional benefits that come with centering your life around gratitude.
How to sit:

10 Steps to help you get set:

Meditation has taught me how to compartmentalize my reaction to anything and everything that happens in my life. I choose how I want to deal with what life throws at me, and that choice makes all the difference.
Instead of getting angry at a situation that happens to me, I change my perspective to see all the good in my life and choose to focus on that over the bad. It sounds too simple to be true but we as humans are a direct reflection of that is which we spend time dwelling on. If we focus on the bad we will soak in it. If we channel our energy towards to good, we will live happier lives and that is why I am writing this today. I don’t want to make money off this, I only wish to help spread something that has changed my life and and I think can change yours.
So how to you give this whole meditation thing a try!?!?
You have 2 options for participating with us. You can join us here for Live Stream sessions with Matt Alexander hosted throughout the country every Sunday (times vary) and you can also visit my YouTube channel by clicking the button below to access any of the past meditation practice classes available free to our community. Use these classes to practice on your own, then join the community on Sunday’s to come together to appreciate life and this journey we are on together. I hope you enjoy these practices and I look forward to meditating with you in a Live Session soon!
Other Meditation Resources:
7 Day Meditation Free Trial from Headspace
When I started practicing meditation Headspace was a great stepping stone with their 7 day free trial. I liked the Headspace free trial specifically because they integrated video learning lessons into some of their daily practices which helped me as a visual learner to understand and digest the information as a faster rate. I would not recommend continuing on with the pay version of Headspace as it can get pricey.
What Is Mindfulness? How To Practice Mindfulness, 5 Exercises & The Benefits…
Mindfulness has become a bit of a buzzword over the last few years. But just what is mindfulness and how can you practice it? In this guide, you’ll learn why being mindful matters and how to practice the art of mindfulness.
You’ll discover how you can enjoy the rewards of being mindful by integrating it into your everyday life. We’ll also run through five quick mindfulness trainings you can practice at home.

30 Day Meditation Challenge
This 30 Day Challenge is organized by Melissa from Intentional Expat. Feel free to use it as a guide towards your 30 day practice goal. Melissa links all the meditation practices to their recordings on Insight Timer.
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