Good Vibe Caravan continues all over North America in 2020

What is the Good Vibe Caravan?
Join Matt Alexander, Captain of the Good Vibe Vanlife Caravans, and the whole Good Vibe Collective as we host vanlife meetups, community service events, happy hours, gatherings, visit First Nations communities, environmental cleanups and other local community-centered gatherings all over North America. New website launching soon.
Past Caravans
Caravan to the New Orleans Vanlife Gathering – October 2019
Caravan to the Asheville Van Rally – September 2019
Caravan to the Taos Vanlife Gathering – August 2019
Caravan to the Teton Valley Vanlife Gathering – June 2019

Great blog! So proud of how far you have cum!
Looking for 2020 Events that I can travel with my van dwelling family I am building my van right now I’m waiting for the coronavirus to die down so I can hit the road please contact me 760-908-5447 my name is Ricky all is well stay healthy and whole in the mighty name of Jesus!